How Colour Therapy Works

Colour therapy works like the theory of light. White light can be separated into many colours. According to the theory of light each colour vibrates at a specific speed and wavelength. When you are healing through colour therapy the healing energies move at frequencies similar to light.

Coloured cottons are used to represent healing. They are dowsed to find the healing that is best suited for you. The healing is set up from this information.

Colour therapy is set up according to your highest priority. Your body takes in the healing energy from the colour therapy as required. It is used to repair and replenish improving your physical and emotional health.

Your body has energy centres called chakras. Chakras help regulate the movement of energy that flows throughout your body. The flow of internal energies is essential for the maintenance of good health.

The main chakras are all located near an endocrine system. When colour therapy enters through a chakra it is used by the nearest endocrine gland or the nervous system. The glands in the endocrine system affect almost every organ and cell in your body.




Pituitary gland

Third Eye

Pineal gland


Thyroid gland


Immune system

Solar plexus





Adrenal glands